Parental part-time

Parental part-time is barely used by the academic staff, and comparatively often used by the non-academic staff. The stark decrease in numbers after 2019 apparently caused by the pandemic is notable. Ever since, men make use of parental part-time only in exceptional cases. For women, the decrease among non-academic staff is particularly remarkable, the number of cases is half now of what it was before.

Academic and non-academic staff in parental part-time

Data in table chart

Parental part-time | 2013 – 2023 | percentage
Jahr Jahr WUP Frauen AUP Frauen WUP Männer AUP Männer
2013 2013 33 111 19 23
2015 2015 25 112 17 30
2017 2017 31 139 22 38
2019 2019 29 140 23 39
2021 2021 19 73 4 11
2023 2023 22 71 3 12

Share of men

Data in table chart

Parental part-time share of men | 2013 – 2023 | percentage
Jahr Jahr Männer WUP Männer AUP
2013 2013 37 % 17 %
2015 2015 40 % 21 %
2017 2017 42 % 21 %
2019 2019 44 % 22 %
2021 2021 17 % 13 %
2023 2023 12 % 14 %