Students and Graduates

Share of Women Graduates 2012 – 2021

Among graduates, the share of women is generally higher than among students, although the fluctuation is bigger because of the smaller number of cases. The drop among doctoral graduates between 2015 and 2018 is remarkably steep, the share of women since then lies below 50 %.

In the teacher education courses, the share of female graduates is consistently around 70 %. Most recently, the share of women was highest among the MA graduates in teacher education.

Share of women graduates (without teacher education)

Data in table chart

Women Graduates | 2012 – 2021 | percentage
Jahr Jahr BA-Absolventinnen Diplomabsolventinnen MA-Absolventinnen Doktorats-/PhD-Absolventinnen
2012 2012 73 % 73 % 64 % 51 %
2015 2015 71 % 67 % 67 % 52 %
2018 2018 67 % 60 % 68 % 45 %
2021 2021 67 % 62 % 64 % 47 %

Share of women graduates in teacher education programs

Data in table chart

Women Graduates (Teacher Education) | 2012 – 2021 | percentage
Jahr Jahr BA-LA-Absolventinnen Diplom-LA-Absolventinnen MA-LA-Absolventinnen
2012 2012   70 %  
2015 2015 71 % 73 %  
2018 2018 71 % 69 % 68 %
2021 2021 67 %   74 %