Students and Graduates

Share of Women Students 2012 – 2021

The share of women is highest in master study courses, followed by bachelor courses and the diploma courses. The fluctuation between 2012 and 2015 is probably due to the change from diploma courses to the bachelor and master system. In the doctorate program, the share of women sank between 2012 and 2018 from 54 % to 52 %.

In the teacher education programs, the high share of women in the master courses is remarkable.

Share of women students (without teacher education programs)

Data in table chart

Women in courses (without teacher education) | 2012 – 2021 | share
Jahr Jahr BA-Studentinnen Diplomstudentinnen MA-Studentinnen Doktorats-/PhD-Studentinnen
2012 2012 64 % 64 % 65 % 54 %
2015 2015 63 % 61 % 67 % 53 %
2018 2018 63 % 60 % 66 % 52 %
2021 2021 63 % 61 % 65 % 52 %

Share of women students in teacher education programs

Data in table chart

Women in teacher education programs | 2012 – 2021 | Share
Year Year BA-LA-Studentinnen Diplom-LA-Studentinnen MA-LA-Studentinnen
2012 2012   66 %  
2015 2015 64 % 65 %  
2018 2018 63 % 63 % 72 %
2021 2021 62 %   69 %