Academic university staff

Fixed-term & permanent

The University Act 2002 brought about a structural change in personnel, where fluctuating pre- and postdoctoral positions (funded through both global budget and third-party funds) play a central role, while the proportion of permanent positions (professors, lecturers, tenure track positions, and (partially) senior scientists/senior lecturers) has steadily decreased over the past 15 years. The proportion of fixed-term positions is higher among women than among men, as women continue to be underrepresented in academic leadership positions.

Data in table chart, 2023

Academic university staff | fixed-term & permanent | 2023 | percentage
Wissenschaftliches Universitätspersonal befristet & unbefristet Jahr Frauen Männer Gesamt
befristete Verträge (ohne Lektor*innen und Studentische Mitarbeiter*innen) 2023 79 % 70 % 74 %
unbefristete Verträge 2023 21 % 30 % 26 %

Data in table chart, 2022

Academic university staff | fixed-term & permanent | 2022 | percentage
Wissenschaftliches Universitätspersonal befristet & unbefristet Jahr Frauen Männer Gesamt
befristete Verträge (ohne Lektor*innen und Studentische Mitarbeiter*innen) 2022 78 % 70 % 74 %
unbefristete Verträge 2022 22 % 30 % 26 %