Academic university staff

Personnel categories

The proportion of women in top academic positions at the University of Vienna has continued to rise in recent years. In 2024, the percentage of female professors amounts to 35 %, and the percentage of women in tenure track positions is even higher at 50 %. However, in 2025, there are still five faculties/centers where the percentage of female professors is between 0 % and 17 %. There is a noticeable difference between senior lecturers and senior scientists: while the former have a female ratio of over 60 %, it is at 38 % for the currently growing group of senior scientists, with a downward trend.

The overarching categories “predocs total” and "postdocs total” encompass both employees funded through the global budget (university assistant predocs and postdocs) and those funded through third-party funds.

The group of professors includes professors according to UG § 98, § 99/1, § 99/3, § 99/4, § 99/6 and § 99a.

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