Non-academic university staff

Job groups

Nearly every other woman in non-academic university staff is classified in the job group III A, making it by far the largest job group for women (664 out of 1,496). The majority of men are distributed relatively evenly among job groups  III A, III B, and IV A. When clustering the four lower job groups (I – III A) and the four upper job groups (III B - V), a gender asymmetry becomes apparent: 64 % of all women, but only 45 % of all men, are in the lower four job groups. On the other hand, 55 % of all men, but only 36 % of all women, are in the upper four job groups.

Job groups count

Data in table chart, 2023

Non-academic university staff | job groups | 2023 | count
Verwendungsgruppe Jahr Frauen Anzahl Männer Anzahl Frauen Männer
I (229) 2023 157 72 69 % 31 %
II A (112) 2023 69 43 62 % 38 %
II B (107) 2023 72 35 67 % 33 %
III A (864) 2023 664 200 77 % 23 %
III B (466) 2023 244 222 52 % 48 %
IV A (437) 2023 264 173 60 % 40 %
IV B (39) 2023 20 19 51 % 49 %
V (14) 2023 6 8 43 % 57 %

Data in table chart, 2021

Non-academic university staff | job groups | 2021 | count
Verwendungsgruppe Jahr Frauen Anzahl Männer Anzahl Frauen Männer
I (227) 2021 153 74 67 % 33 %
II A (119) 2021 74 45 62 % 38 %
II B (101) 2021 66 35 65 % 35 %
III A (785) 2021 604 181 77 % 23 %
III B (413) 2021 192 221 46 % 54 %
IV A (432) 2021 277 155 64 % 36 %
IV B (32) 2021 16 16 50 % 50 %
V (14) 2021 6 8 43 % 57 %

Job groups clustered

Data in table chart, 2023

Non-academic university staff | job groups clustered | 2023 | percentage
Verwendungsgruppen geclustert (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
Verwendungsgruppen I – III A (1.312) 2023 64 % 45 %
Verwendungsgruppen III B – V (956) 2023 36 % 55 %

Data in table chart, 2021

Non-academic university staff | job groups clustered | 2021 | percentage
Verwendungsgruppen geclustert (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
Verwendungsgruppen I – III A (1.232) 2021 65 % 46 %
Verwendungsgruppen III B – V (891) 2021 35 % 54 %