Career development

University of Vienna total

The “leaky pipeline” phenomenon, which refers to the decreasing proportion of women during the career development, has significantly diminished in recent years at the University of Vienna. In 2023, there is hardly any difference in the percentage of women in predoc and tenure track positions; they both equal around 50 %. The gender ratio is also nearly balanced among postdocs. However, there is still a clear imbalance at the extremes: approximately two-thirds of all master’s/diploma graduates are women, while roughly two-thirds of all professors are men.

Data in table chart, 2023

Career development | University of Vienna total | 2023 | percentage
Karriereverläufe Universität Wien (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (3.373) 2023 64 % 36 %
Praedocs (1.792) 2023 52 % 48 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (429) 2023 47 % 53 %
Postdocs (1.198) 2023 46 % 54 %
Tenure Track (159) 2023 49 % 51 %
Professor*innen (558) 2023 34 % 66 %

Data in table chart, 2022

Career development | University of Vienna total | 2022 | percentage
Karriereverläufe Universität Wien (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (3.373) 2022 64 % 36 %
Praedocs (1.831) 2022 51 % 49 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (429) 2022 47 % 53 %
Postdocs (1.235) 2022 47 % 53 %
Tenure Track (172) 2022 45 % 55 %
Professor*innen (539) 2022 32 % 68 %