Career development

Cluster formal & natural sciences

In the formal and natural sciences significantly more men than women complete a master’s/diploma program which stands in contrast to the other three clusters. The percentage of women decreases further on the doctoral level, increases again with tenure track positions, and drops to 16 % at the professorial level. Two trends can be observed within the faculties: in the traditional formal and natural sciences (computer science, mathematics, physics,) there is a high barrier to entry for women, but the “leaky pipeline” phenomenon is less pronounced. In chemistry and geosciences, a relatively large number of women complete a master’s/diploma program, but the “leaky pipeline” is more pronounced in these fields.

Data in table chart, 2023

Career development | Cluster formal & natural sciences | 2023 | percentage
Cluster Formal- und Naturwissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (325) 2023 38 % 62 %
Praedocs (558) 2023 33 % 67 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (69) 2023 22 % 78 %
Postdocs (336) 2023 29 % 71 %
Tenure Track (36) 2023 39 % 61 %
Professor*innen (154) 2023 16 % 84 %

Data in table chart, 2022

Career development | Cluster formal & natural sciences | 2022 | percentage
Cluster Formal- und Naturwissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (325) 2022 38 % 62 %
Praedocs (544) 2022 30 % 70 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (69) 2022 22 % 78 %
Postdocs (368) 2022 30 % 70 %
Tenure Track (39) 2022 28 % 72 %
Professor*innen (151) 2022 17 % 83 %