Career development

Cluster formal & natural sciences

In the formal and natural sciences more men than women complete a master’s/diploma program, though the difference has gotten smaller recently. The percentage of women decreases on the doctoral level, increases again with tenure track positions, and drops to 16 % at the professorial level. Two trends can be observed within the faculties: in the traditional formal and natural sciences (computer science, mathematics, physics,) there is a high barrier to entry for women, but the “leaky pipeline” phenomenon is less pronounced. In chemistry and geosciences, a relatively large number of women complete a master’s/diploma program, but the “leaky pipeline” is more pronounced in these fields.

Data in table chart, 2024

Career development | Cluster formal & natural sciences | 2024 | percentage
Cluster Formal- und Naturwissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-Absolvent*innen (403) 2024 44% 56%
Praedocs (580) 2024 37% 63%
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (85) 2024 32% 68%
Postdocs (331) 2024 27% 73%
Tenure Track (38) 2024 42% 57%
Professor*innen (157) 2024 16% 84%

Data in table chart, 2023

Career development | Cluster formal & natural sciences | 2023 | percentage
Cluster Formal- und Naturwissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (325) 2023 38 % 62 %
Praedocs (558) 2023 33 % 67 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (69) 2023 22 % 78 %
Postdocs (336) 2023 29 % 71 %
Tenure Track (36) 2023 39 % 61 %
Professor*innen (154) 2023 16 % 84 %

Data in table chart, 2022

Career development | Cluster formal & natural sciences | 2022 | percentage
Cluster Formal- und Naturwissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (325) 2022 38 % 62 %
Praedocs (544) 2022 30 % 70 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (69) 2022 22 % 78 %
Postdocs (368) 2022 30 % 70 %
Tenure Track (39) 2022 28 % 72 %
Professor*innen (151) 2022 17 % 83 %