Career development

Cluster law, economics & social sciences

In the fields of law, economics, and social sciences, the proportion of women among master's/diploma graduates is almost two-thirds; for the first time in 2024, the percentage of female professors reached 40 %. These three disciplines exhibit significant differences: while the social sciences still have the highest proportion of female professors at the University of Vienna in 2024, the fields of law, and particularly economics show a clear “leaky pipeline.”

Data in table chart, 2024

Career development | Cluster law, economics & social sciences | 2024 | percentage
Cluster Rechts-, Wirtschafts- & Sozialwissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (1.392) 2024 65% 35%
Praedocs (419) 2024 60% 40%
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (85) 2024 51% 49%
Postdocs (197) 2024 48% 52%
Tenure Track (30) 2024 63% 37%
Professor*innen (125) 2024 40% 60%

Data in table chart, 2023

Career development | Cluster law, economics & social sciences | 2023 | percentage
Cluster Rechts-, Wirtschafts- & Sozialwissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (1.354) 2023 64 % 36 %
Praedocs (386) 2023 59 % 41 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (112) 2023 48 % 52 %
Postdocs (204) 2023 50 % 50 %
Tenure Track (33) 2023 58 % 42 %
Professor*innen (121) 2023 39 % 61 %

Data in table chart, 2022

Career development | Cluster law, economics & social sciences | 2022 | percentage
Cluster Rechts-, Wirtschafts- & Sozialwissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (1.354) 2022 64 % 36 %
Praedocs (406) 2022 57 % 43 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (112) 2022 48 % 52 %
Postdocs (197) 2022 55 % 45 %
Tenure Track (37) 2022 54 % 46 %
Professor*innen (118) 2022 35 % 65 %