Career development

Cluster life sciences

In the life and bio sciences, the “leaky pipeline” phenomenon is most pronounced. The fields of study are clearly female-dominated, with seven out of ten master’s/ diploma degrees awarded to women. However, the proportion of women decreases steadily at each subsequent career level, and the gender ratio is reversed at the professorial level: in 2023, only three out of ten professorships are held by women.

Data in table chart, 2023

Career development | Cluster life sciences | 2023 | percentage
Cluster Lebens- und Biowissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (856) 2023 71 % 29 %
Praedocs (382) 2023 60 % 40 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (102) 2023 56 % 44 %
Postdocs (234) 2023 52 % 48 %
Tenure Track (39) 2023 46 % 54 %
Professor*innen (110) 2023 32 % 68 %

Data in table chart, 2022

Career development | Cluster life sciences | 2022 | percentage
Cluster Lebens- und Biowissenschaften (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Frauen Männer
MA-/Dipl.-Absolvent*innen (856) 2022 71 % 29 %
Praedocs (382) 2022 59 % 41 %
Dok-/PhD-Absolvent*innen (102) 2022 56 % 44 %
Postdocs (234) 2022 53 % 47 %
Tenure Track (44) 2022 45 % 55 %
Professor*innen (100) 2022 28 % 72 %