Gender pay gap professorships

The intellectual capital report of each university includes, among other things, a key figure on gender pay gaps (GPG) among professorships. Looking at GPG among professorships paints a heterogeneous picture.

In 2022, the highest gender pay gap was observed among temporarily assigned university professors appointed according to § 99/1, and compared to 2021, the gap increased by an additional six percent. In the large group of university professors appointed according to § 98, the gender pay gap decreased to just under 9 %, which is two percent less than in 2021. Additional GPG of approximately 10 % were seen in 2022 among tenured/contractually employed professorships and assistant professorships. However, in the (smaller) group of university professors according to  § 99/4, the gender pay gap was around 10 % in favor of women.

Data in table chart, 2022

Gender pay gap professorships | 2022 | percentage
Personalkategorien (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Gender Pay Gap
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 99/1 (53) 2022 -21,5 %
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 98, Beamte od. VB (36) 2022 -10,9 %
KV-Professuren gesamt (ohne § 99/6) (515) 2022 -9,3 %
Assistenzprofessor*innen, KV (134) 2022 -9,2 %
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 98, KV (375) 2022 -8,9 %
Assoziierte Professor*innen § 99/6 (52) 2022 -3,9 %
Universitätsdozent*innen (163) 2022 -0,8 %
Assoziierte Professor*innen, KV (59) 2022 -0,2 %
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 99/3 (27) 2022 1,6 %
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 99/4 (63) 2022 10,3 %

Data in table chart, 2021

Gender pay gap professorships | 2021 | percentage
Personalkategorien (Anzahl gesamt) Jahr Gender Pay Gap
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 99/1 (52) 2021 -15,4 %
Assoziierte Professor*innen § 99/6 (33) 2021 -13,5 %
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 98, KV (375) 2021 -10,9 %
KV-Professuren gesamt (ohne § 99/6) (502) 2021 -8,8 %
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 98, Beamte od. VB (40) 2021 -8,7 %
Assistenzprofessor*innen, KV (132) 2021 -1,8 %
Universitätsdozent*innen (180) 2021 -0,4 %
Assoziierte Professor*innen, KV (57) 2021 -0,3 %
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 99/4 (48) 2021 1,6 %
Universitätsprofessor*innen § 99/3 (27) 2021 4,9 %