Mandatory maternity leave

The number of female academics on mandatory maternity leave per calendar year is rather consistent, while the number fluctuates much more among the non-academic staff. Corresponding to the numbers regarding parental leave, there was a marked decrease in the numbers of mandatory maternity leave (non-academic staff) between 2015 and 2017. The share of female employees on maternity leave per calendar year has been clearly decreasing between 2013 and 2023, the decrease has been more pronounced in the non-academic staff.

Academic and non-academic staff on mandatory maternity leave

Data in table chart

Mandatory maternity leave | 2013 – 2023 | count
Jahr Jahr Frauen WUP Frauen AUP Mutterschutz gesamt
2013 2013 93 52 145
2015 2015 95 62 157
2017 2017 86 41 127
2019 2019 94 47 141
2021 2021 96 64 160
2023 2023 89 49 138

Employees on mandatory maternity leave

Data in table chart

Employees on mandatory maternity leave | 2013, 2023 | percentage
Jahr   WUP Frauen AUP Frauen
2013   2,80 % 3,50 %
2023   2,30 % 2,80 %