
The share of men on parental leave per calendar year has significantly increased between 2013 and 2023. There was a historic high point in 2019, since then, the numbers are decreasing again slightly (academic staff) resp. more strongly (non-academic staff). (This includes the early parental leave, or the "papa month".)
There are only slightly fewer women of the non-academic staff on parental leave each calendar year than of the academic staff, although seven of ten employees are part of the academic staff. The share of women in the academic staff who are on parental leave every calendar year is correspondingly low (2.5 % in 2013, 2.3 % in 2023). This share of women in the non-academic staff was 5.8 % in 2013 and fell to 4.8 % in 2023. In comparison: In 2011 in the general population, there were 8.3 % of female and 0.3 % of male persons in employment on parental leave (see Karenzväter in Zahlen 2013). Men were on parental leave for 4 months on average in 2023, for the women, it was an average of 9 months (academic staff) resp. 13 months (non-academic staff, both numbers excluding the mandatory maternity leave).